We are so excited to be able to offer a new indoor riding facility for our boarding, lesson, leasing and equine coaching and therapy clients in the Upper Peninsula.
Here are some pictures of the construction. We started with land clearing, leveling and preparation. Then the building materials were hauled from it’s original site in Bruce Crossing to it’s new location at Coppler Farm. The installation crew was then able to begin their work, and the first order of business was digging 48, six foot deep holes for the post foundation. They ran into some trouble when sandstone was found a couple of feet down. Jack hammers and a back hoe had to be used to dig half of the holes for the posts. Then the trusses were erected which was quite the spectacle as they were over 30 feet high! Finally the cover was put on. All of the construction was done while winter was making it’s appearance. There were days that the crew had to leave the generator running all night long with the equipment plugged in so everything would start in the morning. At this point the structure is completed, we are just waiting on a large over head door. This project is a dream come true, and we can’t wait to share it with the horse community!